see the word JAVA and just cringe or want to run? Have an aversion to programming?
What about learning just enough to get by or even better, just enough to boast to your peers that u know it….u dont have to know ALL of one ever said that
For reading data off a spreadsheet and displaying back in a browser we have no choice but to use a programming language to do this. But it is possible to do with bare bones knowledge and this is why u are at this site. We use a copy and paste approach and then learn the rest later.
Your net worth goes up and your employability is definitely impacted because u are more well rounded or at least u are trying to be
If u really want to skip the java part for now, at minimum, go to tutorial 4 and do only the part where we download SQLite and do some SQL at the command prompt.
Then u need to decide if programming is something u might like
Or u can quit all together like i did many times
Consider learning Java and SQL together
We only need to know 4 concepts for the JAVA side:
Request and response
Here are 7 basic concepts in SQL:
Create db schema
Create table inside db
Insert some data
Select and display data
Delete data
Update data in table
Drop table